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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Trick of the light – Rainbow: Exploring Light Absorb, Reflect, Transmit or Refract

Subject taught
- Physics
- Technology


Type of Product
- Articles
- Exercises
- Lesson Plans
- Videos
- Web Site/Portal

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop observing skills, measuring skills, analytical skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills.

In a hands-on way, students explore light's properties of absorption, reflection, transmission and refraction through various experimental stations within the classroom. To understand absorption, reflection and transmission, they shine flashlights on a number of provided objects. To understand refraction, students create indoor rainbows. An understanding of the fundamental properties of light is essential to designing an invisible laser security system, the ongoing objective in this unit.

General aim is to develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study

Subject specific aim:

• Investigate the interaction of light waves
• Examine properties of light waves
• Investigate reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference of light waves
• Explain the properties of light as related to security systems.
• Describe which objects reflect, absorb or transmit light.
• Explain light refraction as applied to rainbows that appear in nature.
• Identify a number of applications of radiation to science and technology today.

Linguistic aims:
- to listen English with ease
-to read English with ease
- to understand content
- to learn from written texts
- to express opinion
- to enable students to understand topic correctly
- to translate English words into the mother tongue using their own words.

This task is aimed at students of 14-16 years old.
Level of competence in English (CEFR): B1 +/B2
Time required to use the resource with the students: 45 minutes
Group size: 3

Hoe to usit it:
This activity provides students with a hands-on means of exploring the light properties of reflection, absorption, transmission and refraction.

Teacher use the sequence, given in this resource:
• Activity video
• Activity summary
• Engineering Connection
• Learning Objectives
• Materials List
• Worksheets and Attachments
• Pre-Req Knowledge
• Introduction/Motivation
• Procedure
• Vocabulary/Definitions
• Assessment
• Investigating Questions
• Activity Extensions
• Activity Scaling

Possible difficulties for the students: students who have poor knowledge of English may have difficulties to understand the content.

Strenghts: Students not only learn more topic related words but also expand their knowledge on the surrounding environment. Weakness: Scientific reliability: The source is scientifically reliable as correspond to Educational Standards • NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards - Science • International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology • State Standards This activity also meets the following Tennessee Foundations of Technology educational technology content standards: 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. This activity also meets the following National Science Education Standards (NSES) teaching standards: A, B, C, D, E, F; see Pedagogical values: collaborative learning, language development across the curriculum, interdisciplinary, teaching complex thinking, contextualization.

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