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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Formation of rainbows (& how far are they) | Physics | Khan Academy

Subject taught
- Physics


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop self-motivation, group work and critical thinking skills.

General aims Students will be able to explain the phenomenon. They will acquire the basic English vocabulary connected with the topic (Formation of rainbows (& how far are they) | Physics | Khan Academy). Students will develop positive learning habits such as organisational and problem-solving skills.
Linguistic aims
Students will be able to:
-listen English video with ease
-reflect on their listening experience and share it with their peers
-get the main ideas
-comprehend the topic correctly
-translate words connected with the topic (Formation of rainbows) from English into their mother tongue.
Subject specific aims
Students will be able to:
-explain the phenomenon
Target groups age:
Students from high school 16-18+ years old.
Level of competence in English (CEFR)
Time required to use the resource with the students: 1 hour
•How to use it
The teacher introduces the topic (Formation of rainbows) and brainstorm students about the topic.
The teacher invites students to watch the video a few minutes and then pauses the video to ask students to discuss what they just saw, write down reflections, or answer a question s/he provides. Pausing every few minutes allows students time to process what they’re watching. The video is very well organised and the presenter addresses the listener directly by asking rhetorical questions followed by full explanations.
The teacher elicits from students what words they heard related to the topic and create a mind map (the teacher can create a cloud on and invite students to come up with their suggestions). A common list of words is completed in plenary. Students in groups have to write a short summary of the video based on the following structure: how rainbows are formed/ why the color red is always inside the arch/ how far are rainbows formed. They will peer assess their assignments by exchanging them with other groups.
•Possible difficulties for the students
Students who have poor knowledge of English can have problems with understanding the content.

•Strengths: It is easy to use. The material is well organised in sections with subtitles. It provides students with structured information related to the topic. •Scientific reliability: The source is reliable - Khan Academy. •The activity encourages collaborative learning, self–directed learning, peer assisted learning, depending on how the task is organised.

Related Video Lessons

Trick of The Light 1: Rainbows