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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources


Subject taught
- Biology


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Listening
- Reading

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
To observe, analyse and describe phenomena belonging natural reality and to the aspects of daily life To formulate hypothesis and verify them To use simple schematizations and modelling To acquire and understand information and know how to connect it To face problematic situations.

General aims
The general objective is to make the students understand the strong interdependence between photosynthesis and respiration, processes that are the basis of the natural carbon cycle.
Photosynthetic organisms using solar energy convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrate molecules, such as sugar and starch, with the release of molecular oxygen. Living organisms that are capable of using oxygen reverse this process with respiration: in fact, thanks to the presence of oxygen, they use carbohydrates and other organic molecules in order to produce the energy necessary for their life, simultaneously eliminating water and carbon dioxide.
Linguistic aims
• To improve language skills in L2
• To enrich scientific vocabulary
• To know how to move from one linguistic register to another
• To produce clear and coherent texts in L2
• To summarize written texts

Subject specific aims
• To write the general equation of glucose oxidation
• To compare the energy gain resulting from complete oxidation of glucose and fermentation
• To describe the role of NADH and FADH2
• To summarize the process of glycolysis by highlighting the most important reactions and compounds
• To explain the structure of the mitochondria
• To describe how the formation of acetyl-CoA takes place
• To analyze the main stages of the Krebs cycle
• To summarize how NADH's high-energy electrons drop energy levels along the transport chain
• To explain the fundamental role of oxygen at the end of the final electron transport
• To describe the mechanisms that regulate chemosmotic processes

Target group age
15-16 age

Level of competence in English (CEFR)

Time required to use the resource with the students

4h 3 h resource analysis
1 h comparison and discussion

How to use it (prerequisites: oxide reduction reactions)

The teacher presents the resource and explores the topic using suitable images
After this, the students are divided into groups and invited to work on them with a flipped classroom approach.
In the next class meeting each group, using both the material provided by the teacher and doing personal research, involves the other groups through quizzes, crossword puzzles, discussions.
The material provided by the teacher will include images closely related to the video, but more explanatory.
All the work carried out will be included, then, in the final one which will include all the material related to the biogeochimical cycle of carbon, the green house effect and global warming.
The work will be presented to different classes

Possible difficulties for the students
The difficulties are represented by understanding the mechanisms of biochemical reactions, it is necessary to reread and listen to the resources several times and work on the images provided and explained by the teacher

Strength/Weakness The resource is clear, it effectively illustrates the whole process but requires a deepening and explanations in some of its parts. Scientific reliability Beverly Biology is a site created by Kyle Kobe. Of himself he says:” I have been a biology teacher since graduating college in 1999. Since 2004, I have been a biology teacher at Beverly Hills High School. These biology videos are a collection of PowerPoint presentations that I use in my biology classes at Beverly Hills High School. The content-in these videos are taught mainly to the 9th/10th grade level. So whether you are a student of mine, a student elsewhere, or simply curious about the life sciences, I hope you find these resources helpful.” The contents of the resource are easily verifiable. Pedagogical value (e.g. collaborative learning, self–directed learning, peer assisted learning, etc) The methodologies used for this resource are Cooperative Learning, brainstorming and in part also the Flipped classroom. Learning by Cooperative Learning takes place working together, through mutual help which also promotes socialization. The linguistic competence of everyone is a valid mutual support for all students. Researches show this methodology is very effective, allowing students to achieve prefixed goals, stimulating their potentialities and critical capacities, leading them to better self-confidence and helping them to overcome stress and anxiety. The Flipped classroom has the advantage of saving a lot of time in the classroom because the students can study at home before taking lessons. The teacher must "guide", encourage, support students in personal research, collaboration, sharing and comparing knowledge, but he must pay the highest attention to the personal resources selected by the students. Therefore, different videos and e-learning resources are widely used at home, while in the classroom students experiment, collaborate, carry out laboratory activities and start discussions with each other to clarify and discuss the concepts learned independently. In this way, the student "learns to learn" and becomes an "active" person in his learning process. Finally, brainstorming is essential for this type of activity because by comparison of different ideas, it stimulates and encourages student's creativity. Furthermore, through this methodology, the students can express themselves without any conditioning, learning to overcome anxieties and fears and acquiring greater self-confidence

Related Video Lessons

The Biogeochemical Cycle of Carbon