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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Renewable energies - Future perspectives

Subject taught
- Biology
- Physics


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
+intellectual skills -The ability to gather, organise and deploy evidence, data and information - The ability to extract key elements from complex information + communication skills -The ability to marshal arguments lucidly, coherently, logically and concisely -The ability to present material orally in a clear and effective way, including sensitivity to listeners' perspectives -The ability to present written material clearly and effectively, including sensitivity to the reader's perspective - Attention to detail - Ability to think quickly + interpersonal skills - Respecting different viewpoints +organisational skills -The ability to write and think under pressure + Foreign language skills - Listening in a foreign language -Reading materials in a foreign language -Speaking/conversing in a foreign language -Writing in a foreign language

• General aims
-A presentation of kind of energies: non-renewable and renewable
-The difference between them
- Be aware which one is better for our planet and our future as well

• Linguistic aims
- use proper grammar structures
-learn and use a specific vocabulary
- correct pronunciation
• Subject specific aims
-The difference between non-renewable and renewable energies with examples
- advantages of using renewable energies
-disadvantages of using non-renewable energies
- eco-friendly patterns to follow
-how to support people who would like to use green energy

• Target group age
• Level of competence in English (CEFR)
A1, A2, A2+
• Time required to use the resource with the students
1,30 minutes
• How to use it
It can be used in different ways and depends on the level. For example A1
First of all, for A1 students this video material can be used as a way to present the topic: renewable energy, then the video can be a first step into state and point opinion about renewable energies. Students can work in pairs and exchange their opinion and make notes, next they can share with other pairs what they think about the topic. As the conclusion of the lesson they can think and write about what can we do to make renewable energies more popular. Secondly, for A2 students this video can be used in the beginning of the lesson as the way to present the topic, then a teacher introduce and translate the new vocabulary, students write them down in notebooks. They repeat them, and, than students watch a movie again to make notes. Next in pairs students write down non-renewable and renewable energies. They can point and give examples. They think and discuss if these kind of energies are known and used in their countries. They try to find answer why or why not it is so- it can be like a brainstorming. Later on students give their opinion about different kind of energies, and what can be done to safe the planet. Next, they can discuss about the global environmental problems and try to find a solution for our planet, how to protect it. The final work can be a poster or cartoon clipard to sum up the subject. Finally, for more advanced students eg. A2+ the movie can be used in the end of the subject as the way of summarising the discussion about renewable energies as future perspective for our planet. And the final work can be a writing homework about advantages of using renewable energies.

• Possible difficulties for the students
-Lack of vocabulary
-Lack of knowledge about the topic
- Students can find difficulties to express their opinion

• Strength -a very up to date topic, which can be interested for students, -when topic is known for students they are able to share their opinions, -sound is clear so it is very easy to understand all, -subtitles are provided which can help to understand, -vocabulary is presented using graphic clipards which can help to understand, • Weakness -A video is too short, so a teacher must have other materials - it can be difficult to remember all details at once - the speed of the recording may be a problem for younger students • Scientific reliability -All pieces of information which are shown in the video are true, -the pictures used in the movie are accurate, -The two groups of kind of energy are correct as well as the examples of renewable and non- renewable energy, - a teacher can rely on this short video. • Pedagogical value (e.g. collaborative learning, self–directed learning, peer assisted learning, etc) - Increasing memory performance - Deepens understanding - Collaborative learning - State their own opinion - Adds fun to learning - Creates awareness - Dual coding