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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: Physical & Chemical Properties Scavenger Hunt

Subject taught
- Chemistry

Type of Product
- Interactive activity
- Project-based activity

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Please describe the teaching resource taking into consideration the: • General aims: This will give students an alternative method of reviewing their learning on the topic. It will also give practice in collaboration (if working in pairs or teams) and presentation. • Linguistic aims: to reinforce learning of the scientific vocabulary. To write short descriptions on the presentation. To practice oral presentation. • Subject specific aims: to show understanding of the difference between physical and chemical properties of metals and to be able to produce concrete examples other than those shown in the videos (where possible). • Target group age: 14 – 18 years. • Level of competence in English (CEFR): good basic English and knowledge of technical vocabulary. B1 • Time needed to be used with the students: This is a takeaway project- based activity. Typically students should be given one week to carry out the task and present their results. • How to use it: Watch the videos on physical and chemical properties. Go over the vocabulary in class. Hand out the scavenger hunt at a time that best suits you. Give clear instructions, and if the students are working in pairs (or teams) you select the pairs. It is a good way to get a balance so that each student has to do equal amounts of work. You could use this as part of continuous assessment – rewarding the activity can be a great catalyst to complete well. • Possible difficulties for the students: timing – they have to be organised if they have to complete the tasks, put together the presentation and practice presenting all in one week. The hunt items are shown below. Any appropriate example should be accepted. 1. A periodic table showing where metals are found. 2. A metal conducting heat. E.g. saucepan, heater element, lightbulb filament. 3. A metal being sonorous. E.g. a bell being rung, a gong being struck. 4. An example of a metal that has been oxidised. E.g. rusted iron, a copper dome that has turned green. 5. A Group II Metal compound. 6. Something that uses a metal as a catalyst. E.g. catalytic convertor. 7. An amphoteric substance. E.g. dishwasher tablet, nappy cream. 8. Something ductile. E.g. a metal wire. 9. A magnetic substance. E.g. a magnet, stripe on credit card. 10. A metal conducting electricity. E.g. copper wiring 11. A liquid metal. E.g. mercury. 12. Something malleable. e.g. aluminium foil. 13. A Group I metal compound. 14. A transition metal. Any piece of jewellery. 15. Metals in the kitchen – any one example not already used.

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