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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Trick of the light – Mirage

Subject taught
- Physics


Type of Product
- Articles
- Diagrams and graphs
- Web Site/Portal

Language Skills Developed
- Reading

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop observing skills, measuring skills, analytical skills.

Mirages are created when light passes through air of different temperatures. Two types of mirages are inferior and superior.
General aim is to recognize and explain optical phenomena over the sea, including mirages, fata morgana, and the green flash.

Subject specific aim:
• to identify Inferior mirage
• to identify Superior mirage
• to identify Fata Morgana

Linguistic aims:
- to read English with ease
- to understand content
- to learn from written texts
- translate words connected with the topic (mirages) from English into their mother tongue.

This task is aimed at students of 14-16 years old.
Level of competence in English (CEFR): B1 +/B2
Time required to use the resource with the students: 30 minutes

How to usit it:
The recourse can be used as a tool for self-directed learning at home. Teacher giving a series of lessons on the physical properties of light, could ask students to study the article at home and to prepare presentation of the mirages phenomena, explaining phenomena using graphics and showing images captured in the world.

Possible difficulties for the students: students who have poor knowledge of English may have difficulties to understand the content.

Strenghts: Students not only learn more topic related words but also expand their knowledge on the surrounding environment. Pedagogical values: self-directed learning, language development across the curriculum.

Related Video Lessons

Tricks of Light 2: Mirages