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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Reflection and refraction of light

Subject taught
- Physics


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students investigate, scientifically explain physical phenomena and their applications in everyday life.

General aims
Student will be able :
•to investigate scientifically, mainly experimentally, the phenomena of reflection and refraction of ligh
•to scientifically explain the phenomena and their applications

Linguistic aims
•to read English with ease
•to understanding content
•to communicate reading experiences
•to learn from written texts
•to express understanding and experiences
•to enable students to understand topic correctly
•to translate words connected with percentages in English into the mother tongue.

Subject specific aims
•observing the mechanism of light reflection and refraction
•defining the phenomena of reflection and refraction of light, based on observations from the virtual laboratory
•experimental deduction of the laws of reflection and refraction of light
•listing some examples from everyday life, which are based on the phenomena studied
Target group age
•Students from primary school 12-14 years old.
Level of competence in English (CEFR)
Time required to use the resource with the students
The material can be divided into two parts. This way the teacher can use the resource with the students for two lessons.

How to use it
The teacher proposes the topic and presents the virtual material to the students. The material will be divided into two parts. In the first hour the light reflection is studied and in the second the light refraction.
After viewing the virtual materials, students will be able to define the reflection and refraction of light, to identify in nature and in technique the phenomena of light propagation through transparent environments.
Students must identify relevant data that describe the two phenomena, to learn a way to follow the stages of an experiment.

Possible difficulties for the students
Students who have poor knowledge of English can have problems with understanding the content.

The resource offers an interesting self-directed learning. The strong point of the website is a rich content and a clarity of explanation. There are: -clear explanations -the experiments used are relevant to the topics

Related Video Lessons

Reflection and Refraction