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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Reflection-refraction - explaining the phenomenon

Subject taught
- Physics


Type of Product
- Multiple choice questionnaire
- Web Site/Portal

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop self-motivation, analytical skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills.

General aims
Students will be able to explain the phenomenon. They will acquire the basic English vocabulary connected with the topic (Reflection and refraction). Students will develop positive learning habits such as organisational and problem-solving skills.
Linguistic aims
Students will be able to:
-read English texts with ease
-reflect on their reading experience and share it with their peers
-get the main ideas from a text
-comprehend the topic correctly
-translate words connected with the topic (greenhouse effect) from English into their mother tongue.
Subject specific aims
Students will be able to:
-explain the phenomenon, its causes and effects
-provide solutions to related problems in their context
-act pro-socially and prevent the phenomenon
Target groups age:
Students from high school 16-18+ years old. What is more, this web site can be used by anyone who wants to do extend knowledge about the greenhouse effect.
Level of competence in English (CEFR)
Time required to use the resource with the students: 1 hour
How to use it
Students are asked to fill in a table with what they know about the topic, what they want to know and told that at the end of the lesson they will have to put down what they have learned during the class. Students read the text and go through the interactive illustration at the top of the page. The illustration enables them to explore patterns of reflection and refraction of light rays that hit a variety of interfaces at different angles of incidence. Students can have vocabulary and online dictionary consultation if necessary. Then students watch the video. The teacher encourages class discussion on these materials. After following these steps students do the test. They test their understanding of the concepts covered (Reflection and refraction ) with the problem set; there are ten questions.Students get automatic answers. The teacher can check the test with the whole class. Students fill in the last column of the initial table from the beginning of the lesson: what they have learner during this class.
•Possible difficulties for the students
Some students may need more guidance than others and may have problems with the language. Pair work or group work may make some students feel more comfortable.

•Strengths: It is easy to use. The materials address all types of learners (audio, visual, kinaesthetic). The unit is well structured and provides students with structured information related to the topic. The test at the end of the unit tests what students have acquired from the section. The test can be done at school or at home; so students can work at their own pace and do it until they get it right. •Scientific reliability: The source is reliable. •The activity can be done individually or in pairs. It encourages collaborative learning, self–directed learning, peer assisted learning, depending on how the task is organised.

Related Video Lessons

Reflection and Refraction