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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Photosynthesis - online lab

Subject taught
- Biology


Type of Product
- Diagrams and graphs
- Online lab

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Teaching material will help students to develop self-motivation, collaborative learning, problem-solving and self-directed, independent learning skills.

The teaching material allows to analyze the factors limiting the efficiency of photosynthesis. With this Gizmo, students can observe, how plant produces oxygen from water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide.
This material can be demonstrated by the teacher and also can be used working in small groups, in pairs or individually depending on equipment in the classroom.
By changing the factors that have the efficiency of the photosynthetic reaction: light intensity, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, students will learn that these factors have different effects on the efficiency of photosynthesis.
By determining the maximum amount of oxygen produced during photosynthesis, students will find out what the optimal temperature is, what concentration of carbon dioxide, and what intensity of light is needed for the photosynthesis process to take place most efficiently.
The program can adjust the parameters of temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and light intensity and see their effect on the efficiency of photosynthesis according to the amount of oxygen released during photosynthesis. Data can be represented by selecting a bar chart or graph.
Level of competence in English (CEFR) B1. Students will practice new topic (photosynthesis) vocabulary by explaining the process of photosynthesis, analyzing the factors limiting the efficiency of photosynthesis, describing a bar chart or a graph. Students will work in pairs to find out: What factors influence the intensity of photosynthesis? Which factor (temperature, carbon dioxide, light intensity) has the greatest influence on the intensity of photosynthesis? How do temperature and light intensity factors affect the intensity of photosynthesis?
The target group age: 14 – 18 years old secondary school students.
Level of competence in English is (CEFR) B1/B1+. Time required to use the source with students: 15 – 20 minutes.
Students may have difficulty analysing graph data. Poor knowledge of English can also be a problem understanding the content and participating in pair work.

The teaching material is easy to use. It allows to monitor changes in photosynthesis efficiency in a short time and to use the obtained and saved data for a survey and comparison. Making the analysis and comparison of the obtained data helps students to improve collaborative learning and peer assisted learning skills. They will practice asking and answering the questions about the topic, will help each other with new vocabulary. The teaching material can also be used for the substantiation of the theoretical material and especially useful for independent distance learning. The weakness of this material is that students do not acquire practical laboratory skills.

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