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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources


Subject taught
- Math


Type of Product
- e-book

Language Skills Developed
- Reading
- Speaking

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Student will develop key competences, such as problem-solving, data analysis, written and verbal communication.

General aims:
- to determine the probability of an event
- to solve basic mathematical problems connected with probability which can be used in the real life
-to know the language and patterns associated with probability
- to develop positive learning habits such as organisational and problem-solving skills.

Linguistic aims:
- to read English with ease
- to understanding content
- to learn from written texts
- to master tools for gathering information
- to express opinion
- to enable students to understand topic correctly
- to develop academic language
- to translate words connected with probability in English into the mother tongue using their own words.

Subject specific aims:
- to familiarise students with the ways in which we talk about probable events
- to engage students in activities which will give them contact with the ideas of probability
- to enable students to determine the probability of an event using the results of an experiment
- to enable students to use a scale from 0 to 1 to place everyday chance-related events
- to enable students to represent and interpret probabilities as fractions or decimal.

Target group age:
The e-book is aimed at 9-12-year-old native speakers of English. Therefore, it can be suitable for non-native students of 13-14. Before using the resource they need to know how to do basic operations with fractions, decimals and percentages. What is more, this e-book can be used by anyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of probability . Also, the resource is recommended to teachers who want to teach probability using English.

Level of competence in English (CEFR)

Time required to use the resource with the students:
The e-book contains 10 chapters so it is recommended to use the resource during 2-3 lessons.

How to use it
Before using the e-book during one’s classes, the students should be able to do basic operation with fractions, decimals and percentages. The teacher should ask the students to read the resource at home before the lesson and then do the proposed tasks in order to enable students to use the required knowledge in practice. The students might get the answers and feedback at the end of the book.

Possible difficulties for the students
Students whose level of English is poor might have problems with understanding the content. Students who hav problems doing basic operations decimals can face difficulties in solving math problems with probability.

“What Are the Chances?“ e-book by Joy Visto is an interesting self-directed learning resource. It is available on website for free; it just requires registering. The resource can be used by teachers as an introduction to the topic of probability or it might be assigned to students as a self-studying resource. The main strength of the e-book is clear explanations, lots of visuals and real-life examples. The resource contains a glossary with the most important vocabulary, which will allow students to practice the new terms. In my opinion, this e-book is scientifically reliable and can be recommended to students and teachers as it is a very useful resource. It’s another advantage is the possibility to get the definition of each word, just by clicking on it. The resource also contains a list of selected bibliography and useful websites that can be used in and after class.

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