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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Photosynthesis - articles to read

Subject taught
- Biology


Type of Product
- Articles

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Teaching material will help students to develop self-motivation, collaborative learning, problem-solving and self-directed, independent learning skills.

The general aims of this lesson are:
- to deepen students’ knowledge in biology on photosynthesis and its importance,
- to improve the English language skills.
Linguistic aims:
- to practice reading skills,
- to expand active vocabulary,
- to expand topic related vocabulary,
- to improve speaking skills,
- to improve writing skills.
Subject specific aims:
- to explain what photosynthesis is,
- to understand why it is important,
- to learn what cells and organelles are involved in photosynthesis,
- to find out what the steps of photosynthesis are.
Target group age: 14 – 18 years old secondary school students.
Level of competence in English is (CEFR) B1/B1+. Time required to use the source with students: 45 minutes.
How to use it
Students read the text and translate unknown words into their native language using dictionaries or asking teacher for help and write them down into their notes. When all unknown words are translated, students are asked to read the text again and write questions for the answers to be found in the text. Students can work individually, or in pairs if they need peer assistance. Students are given 10-15 minutes to write the questions. When the questions are ready, students work in groups of 3 or 4, practice asking and answering the questions, help each other if any difficulty arise. Students will practice new topic (photosynthesis) vocabulary by asking and answering the questions, explaining the process of photosynthesis, why it is important, what cells and organelles are involved in photosynthesis and what the steps of photosynthesis are. For reflection, students are asked to write what they remember about photosynthesis without looking at the article or their notes. Reflection can be presented orally.
Poor knowledge of English can also be a problem understanding the content and participating in pair/group work.

Students will expand their knowledge on photosynthesis. They will practice asking and answering questions about the topic, will help each other with new vocabulary. Working individually, in pairs and in small groups will improves students’ self-directed, collaborative learning and peer assisted learning skills. The teaching material can be successfully used for independent distance learning.

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