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Enhancing students’ performance with CLIL methodology - Migliorare l’apprendimento con la metodologia CLIL (E3)
Date of the Conference
Place of the Conference
Genova, Italy

38 people participated to the event. 30 participants were all teachers from associated partner schools who had worked on the STEAM topics in the project portal “CLIL for STEAM” and from other middle schools and high schools in Genova. 8 participants were from IIS MONTALE, 4 of them attended the conference online from Spain where they are at the moment with a group of 55 students involved in the project Erasmus+ SupErInt (VET).

The Headmaster welcomed the participants and introduced the event. Professor Marzio Angiolani talked about the importance of Erasmus+ projects and how important it is both for the students and the teachers to have contacts with foreign schools and to have the chance to compare and share ideas. He introduced the topic of CLIL as it is present in the Italian legislation and explained its importance. He thanked the participants from the associated partner schools for working on the project and for disseminating the results; he thanked the teachers from Montale and the students for their contribution to the project.

He then left the floor to Professor Rossella Risso who is the school’s Project Coordinator. Ms Risso introduced the different opportunities for schools provided by Erasmus+ projects and focused on the different aspects of KA1 and KA2 projects. She then presented an overview of the Erasmus+ projects of Montale: SupErInt, Clil for STEAM, HEROES and the recent Accreditation 2021-2027. Ms Risso described the aims of the CLIL for STEAM project of which she managed all the outputs. She presented some selected parts of the Guidelines for teachers, which she used to highlight the main aspects of CLIL methodology, from the selection of the topic, to the different kinds of assessment tools. She then introduced professor Annalisa Bassi who worked on the Tricks of the light: the rainbow and the mirage, on Reflection and refraction of light, on Let’s go into orbit. Ms Bassi explained how she worked on the topics with her classes and the results of the CLIL approach in teaching Physics. She presented her lesson plan on the Rainbow and selected some resources (reviewed and created) to be found on the project portal and to be used in a CLIL lesson on the Rainbows.

Next, Professor Risso introduced the three outputs; she selected some videos, lesson plans, resources and showed them to the participants, commenting on the value of the different resources for a CLIL approach.

The video Tricks of the light : rainbows was showed to the participants; The resources reviewed and created were also showed and the lesson plan developed by Ms Bassi on the Rainbow was presented as an example of a practical application of the CLIL methodology to STEAM subjects. Ms Risso named all the foreign partner schools and the associated partner schools in Genova and explained how Montale worked on the project step by step. The floor was then left to some students who were the end users of the lessons and who reported on their personal experience. Their teacher, Ms Testa Valeria, also explained how she used the resources of the project to develop some interesting lessons and talked about the benefits of CLIL methodology.

Some space was given to the participants to ask questions and share their opinion. Some teachers expressed their interest in the project outputs and expressed their appreciation for the outputs and the results. After question/answer time was concluded, the questionnaires were distributed. The questionnaires and the feedbacks were collected and the certificates of attendance were given out. The conference was a success because a lot of the participants showed their interest.

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