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Collection of Lesson Plan

Global warming and climate change

Subject taught
- Chemistry
- Physics

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Please describe the transferable/scientific skills developed by the student
Students will develop note-taking, communication skills, self-motivation, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills.

● General aims
Students will be able to explain the phenomenon of global warming, its causes and effects, will investigate causes of global temperature change, research the major repercussions of climate change, learn about endangered species and their habitat, and find out how they can monitor and minimize those repercussions and provide solutions to related problems in their context. They will acquire the basic English vocabulary connected with the topic (greenhouse effect and environmental issues). Students will develop positive learning habits such as organizational and problem-solving skills.
● Linguistic aims
Students will be able to:
- read English texts with ease
- reflect on their reading experience and share it with their peers
- understand English speeches, produced by native and non-native speakers
- distinguish the language needed to carry out activities
- enrich scientific vocabulary
- give opinions and pieces of advice
- summarize a topic
- present ideas about a topic orally
- comprehend the topic correctly
- translate words connected with the topic (greenhouse effect, climate change) from English into their mother tongue.
● Subject specific aims
Students will be able to:
- explain the phenomenon, its causes and effects
- provide solutions to related problems in their context
- act pro-socially and prevent the phenomenon
● Target group age: 13 – 14 years old secondary school students
● Level of competence in English (CEFR) A2/B1
● Different phases to complete the lesson plan

Time required: 5 hours
Phase 1 – 1 hour
Phase 2 – 2 hours (1 hour home assignment + 1 hour in class)
Phase 3 – 2 hours (1 hour home assignment + 1 hour in class)

Phase 1 – 1 hour

Teacher shows the students some pictures of natural disasters and asks the students to say what they think the main cause for them is. Then the teacher presents the students the video lesson The Greenhouse effect – The main cause of global warming:
After watching the video, the students are asked to do a digital exercise, TR1: , an interactive game of sentence unjumbling - testing knowledge of terms associated with the topic ‘Greenhouse Effect’. The exercise reinforces some of the key concepts covered in the video.
In the classroom the teacher will check students’ understanding of the text through true/false sentences about the text or questions:
What is the greenhouse effect? What is global warming?
Why does it happen? What are its causes?
What are the effects of global warming?
What can we do about it?
Students give the answers supported by examples. The teacher highlights some new words for students in English and students should find the translation of these words into the mother tongue and write down the new words in English in the notebook with the right translation. In the end, the students can work on another digital exercise, TR2: a multiple choice quiz on the main concepts of global warming, and will receive immediate feedback by the platform.

Phase 2 – 2 hours

Students are asked to watch a video at home, and to answer the following questions: What is climate change?
What impacts is climate change having around the world?
How are humans causing climate change?
What can we all do to stop climate change?
What kinds of things cause climate change?
How does climate change impact humans and the planet?
What is the climate like in the geographic area where you live? How often are there extreme weather conditions like heavy snowfall, heat waves, floods etc.?
In class the teacher will test the students’ knowledge of some important nouns (drought, smog, glacier, crops, asthma) by matching the words with their definitions.
Students can also analyse a real-world environmental case of ‘building an oil pipeline through British Columbia’ and identify its impact and the consequences of the stakeholders’ decisions.

Phase 3 – 2 hours

At home, as assignment, students will be asked to watch the video again and find sentences about the climate change and the greenhouse effect in the Present Perfect Simple, then write them in a worksheet (e.g. “Human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by more than a third since the industrial revolution.”)
When in class, the students will present their sentences to their classmates.
The teacher will divide students into groups and ask them to do the following writing task: Imagine you are planet Earth or “Mother Nature”. You have the ability to speak, write, and communicate in English. Write a short letter to humans about your feelings and about the way they are impacting you and what you think about their behaviour towards you.
The students will present their work in front of the class.
● Possible difficulties for the students:
Students who have poor knowledge of English can have problems with understanding the content.

Teaching Resources (created)

Teaching Resources (reviewed)

Related Video Lessons

The Greenhouse Effect