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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: Stem cells - part 2

Subject taught
- Biology


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Listening
- Reading

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
• Knowing how to grasp the differences between a stem cell and a differentiated cell; • to know how to identify the potential of stem cells; • to know how to perform a classification based on their differentiating ability; • to understand the therapeutic value of their use.

General aims The purpose of the teaching unit is to bring students closer to the world of research and to stimulate a critical and aware attitude in them. In general, the entire teaching unit wants to provide an overview of stem cells: what they are, how they are classified, where they are found, what function they perform and how they can be used. The embryonic stem cell study offers many expectations in the treatment of a large number of pathologies, but their use in research is always the cause of a heated debate, above all ethic. Different countries regulate the study of embryonic stem cells in very different ways. This didactic unit focuses on analyzing hematopoietic cells, adult stem cells, which are found mainly in the bone marrow, peripheral blood and umbilical cord. They are the most studied stem cells and used for therapeutic purposes and do not pose ethical problems. Linguistic aims • Improving language skills in L2 • Enriching scientific vocabulary • Knowing how to move from one linguistic register to another • Producing clear and coherent texts in L2 • Summarizing written texts Subject specific aims (prerequisites: general information on fertilization and embryonic development) • To Identify the fundamental characteristics of a stem cell; • to know how to classify them based on their origin; • to know how to classify them based on their differentiating potency; • to understand the importance of self-renewal; • to understand the importance of the difference between an embryonic stem cell and an adult stem cell. Target group age 14-15 age Level of competence in English (CEFR) B1 Time required to use the resource with the students 3 h 2h first and second resource analysis 1h comparison and discussion How to use it The teacher presents the first and second resources and divides the class into small groups. Each group must build a concept map or a flowchart by inserting most of the new terms acquired. She must also prepare a questionnaire on the topic that will be proposed to the groups during the next meeting. It will serve as a starting point for discussion and reflection with comrades. The work carried out will then be included in the final one which will concern the entire learning unit. It can be produced in Power Point, through video, audio interviews, animations, in this way digital skills are further favored. The work will be presented to different classes Possible difficulties for the students The resource to be examined does not present particular difficulties both from a linguistic point of view and for the content treated

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