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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion

Subject taught
- Math
- Physics
- Technology


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
To know , to understand and to explain the three laws of Kepler

• The general aims are to develop the observation skills and to stimulate the curiosity of the students ,so that they wish to understand and don’t study in a mnemonic way. To acquire and to interpret information in a critical way through different contexts and through different communicative instruments. To estimate the scientific credibility of the source and to discern the difference between facts and opinions. To communicate and to understand different languages (daily, technical, literary, scientific) and to use them in different contexts. • The linguistic aims are to teach students a correct scientific language . They will have to read or to watch and to understand a scientific article or video. They will have to use a correct language when they have to explain a scientific topic. • The specific physics aims are to know and to understand the three laws of Kepler describing the motion of the planets and the satellites. Mathematical aims are to know the conic sections and in particular to learn the ellipse : its equation and its features. • The target group age is 16 /18 • Level of competence in English is B1/B2. • The time required to use the resource with the students is three hours. • An hour to watch the video and to add the explanation of the topic. The second hour is dedicated to the introduction of the conic sections. The students already know about the circle and the parabola and this is the moment to start with the mathematical study of the ellipse. The teacher must point out the connection between the equation and the graph and the importance of eccentricity. The third hour is dedicated to make further study and to review the video, so the students can also understand the mathematical parts . • the students have some difficulties to understand the second law and the consequent variation of speed of the planets. Instead the third law is often forgotten.

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Let's go in to orbit!