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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: Predator and prey - video

Subject taught
- Biology


Type of Product
- Videos

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will improve their listening and reading skills, they will also develope written and verbal communication, expand topic related vocabulary.

The video introduces the top 10 strongest predators in the wild (tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, hyena, wild dogs, cheetah, wolf, crocodile, anaconda), explains what the words predator and prey mean, introduces the wide range of vocabulary to be used talking about the ways the predator and the prey interact. This video should be demonstrated after students have analysed the predator-prey cycle and have learned to explain how the number of individuals in a prey-predator cycle varies depending on each other. The aim of the video in not to analyse the charts that illustrates how a population can change over time, but to expand topic related vocabulary (ambush, camouflage, undetected, paws, target, a pride, snatch, bite force, suffocate, pierce, fangs, solitary, the mating season, confrontation, stealthy, strong grip, scavenger, a pack, jaws, pursue, sneak, to track, clamp down, stalk, constricting, …), improve verbal and written communication, to learn more about animals habitats and, of course, to improve pronunciation. The video could be used with 14 – 18 years old students whose level of competence in English (CEFR) is B1 and higher. The resource can be used during one or two lessons (45 – 90 min). The video lasts for 10 minutes and should be demonstrated twice. While watching the video for the first time, students should make notes and later compare their notes working in pairs. Before watching the video for the second time, students pick up a slip of paper with a name of one predator and while watching the video, have to make as many notes as they can about the predator which name is written on their slip of paper. When demonstrating the video for the second time, subtitles should be put on. This would help students to check the spelling and also make additional notes. At home students should look for more information about the predator and prepare a short presentation about it. Depending on students’ language abilities, they can choose to prepare presentations individually or in pairs. This way, students with poorer language skills will get more help and will feel more comfortable during the presentation.

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