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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: The force of gravity - escape-gravity

Subject taught
- Physics


Type of Product
- Articles
- Exercises
- Multiple choice questionnaire
- Videos
- Web Site/Portal

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop analytical skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills.

General aims Students will be able to define and explain the concept. They will acquire the basic English vocabulary connected with the topic (gravity). The lesson focuses on the key words of the topic, gives students opportunities to concentrate on them and practise them through listening, reading, speaking and writing activities (integrated activities). Linguistic aims Students will be able to: - read/listen to English written/audio texts with ease - comprehend the topic correctly - translate words connected with the topic (gravity) from English into their mother tongue. Subject specific aims Students will be able to: - define the phenomenon - support their opinion Target groups age: Students from high school 16+ years old. Level of competence in English (CEFR) B2 Time required to use the resource with the students: 1 or 2 hours How to use it A.The teacher tells students the topic of the lesson and asks them to create mind maps related to the topic (they can use: and then share with the class. The teacher asks students to watch the video and after that in pairs share 2 or 3 things that impressed them most about what they have seen. The teacher discusses the shared findings with the whole class. The teacher asks students what they would like to know about the topic. The teacher asks students in pairs to write down 2 questions for the teacher. They can take notes (time limit: 3 minutes). Then the students ask the teacher their questions that s/he will answer. The teacher answers all their questions in one go, in a well-structured talk, focusing on their key points. The teacher asks the students to focus on the embedded questions of the TED talk (sets time limit). Follow up- home assignment: students are asked to explore the additional resources as well as the Discuss section and share their views with their peers the next class. B.The activity can also be organised as a flipped classroom activity having students watch the video and do the embedded questions at home. In class the teacher will check the assignment and then encourage students to explore the additional resources provided by the link and do their own research to find other digital resources. The Discuss section where students share their views and knowledge with their peers may follow. • Possible difficulties for the students Students who have poor knowledge of English can have problems with understanding the content.

Related Video Lessons

Force of Gravity