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Collection of Teaching Resources

Teaching Resource: Hydrocarbons Crossword

Subject taught
- Chemistry


Type of Product
- Exercises

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading
- Writing

Please describe the teaching resource taking into consideration the: • General aims: This crossword reviews the technical terms presented in the video lesson on Hydrocarbons. It is a method of checking the amount of content the students have learned from a lesson. It is an alternative way of summarising the lesson and the required content for students. Introducing an element of gamification is one way of making sure all students are still engaged and interacting with the topic. • Linguistic aims: students should connect the technical terms with the descriptions given as crossword clues. • Subject specific aims: to review the technical terms and be able to give a descriptive phrase associated with each term. To continue to distinguish between similar terms, e.g. Alkane and alkene. • Target group age: 14 – 18 years • Level of competence in English (CEFR): B1 • Time needed to be used with the students: 20 minutes • How to use it: this can be used at the end of the lesson or topic to recap the main ideas. Students can work with a paper copy or they can play an interactive version on • The interactive web-based option also introduces an element of competition via timing completion of the crossword. Students can see their scores on a leaderboard. • An alternative would be to give the completed grid to the students and ask them to write the clues. This would extend the language skills but might be more suitable for paired work. • Possible difficulties for the students: the descriptive phrase may have slight variations on the phrases used in the video lesson, even though they have the same meaning. It is also difficult to match the correct spelling of some longer words, but the crossword can help overcome this. The activity could be used in conjunction with word lists the students have compiled as they went through the lesson.