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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources

Hydrocarbons – comparison of alkanes, alkenes & alkynes

Subject taught
- Chemistry


Type of Product
- e-book

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
The skills which can be developed: -The ability to gather, organise information - The ability to extract key elements from complex information -The ability to present material orally in a clear and effective way, including sensitivity to listeners' perspectives -The ability to present written material clearly and effectively, including sensitivity to the reader's perspective - Attention to detail - Ability to think quickly -The ability to write and think under pressure - Listening in a foreign language -Speaking/conversing in a foreign language -Writing in a foreign language

• General aims
Basic information about hydrocarbons.
The main group of hydrocarbons and differences between them
• Linguistic aims
-use proper grammar structures
-learn and use a specific vocabulary
- correct pronunciation
• Subject specific aims
Presenting each group of hydrocarbons with examples, exercises and assessments

• Target group age
• Level of competence in English (CEFR)
B2- C1
• Time required to use the resource with the students
4-5 lessons, 45 minutes each
• How to use it
This kind of material can be used as a main source to introduce and explain the topic: Hydrocarbons – comparison of alkanes, alkenes & alkynes. It is a part of chemistry e-book which presents the topic very deeply, giving all necessary information, presenting the topic step by step with examples, showing diagrams, pictures and exercises. It is divided into sections, each section tells about different group of hydrocarbons. Every section has the main idea like alkanes, alkenes & alkynes. Every section has an introduction to the topic, definitions and exercises which follow students to the main idea of the topic. All pages contain a lot of colourful pictures, diagrams which help understand the topic better. There is also a vocabulary list which explains new words giving definitions. In every section there is a summary of the topic and exercises and assessments for students to check if they understand the topic well. Using this kind of material students can practice reading and writing in English. They can work in pairs or groups to answer questions and give the solution to the exercises. They can practice their interpersonal skills as well as speaking in foreign language.

• Possible difficulties for the students
-lack of vocabulary,
-a lot of new names, examples,
- the pronunciation of new words,

• Strength - It gives the most important information about the topic - It provides true information - Teacher can rely on this material - A lot of pictures, diagrams, definitions - A vocabulary list - Exercises and assessments for students • Weakness -Too many new information to remember - New vocabulary • Scientific reliability - True information - A teacher can rely on this audio • - In these sections/ units are used the techniques to help students to remember all the pieces of information like: pictures, diagrams, graphs, lesson plans, exercises etc. • Pedagogical value (e.g. collaborative learning, self–directed learning, peer assisted learning, etc) - Increasing memory performance -Collaborative learning -Dual coding, repeating new vocabulary -The ability to take initiative -The ability to write, read, talk and think