This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Collection of Reviewed Teaching Resources


Subject taught
- Chemistry


Type of Product
- Web Site/Portal

Language Skills Developed
- Reading
- Writing

Transferable/Scientific Skills Developed
Students will develop note-taking skills, communication skills, self-motivation, analytical skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills.

General aims
Students will be able to identify and present metals in the reactivity series, reactions of acids with metals, experiments they can do to see if a gas is hydrogen, what displacement reactions are, how to obtain metals from metal oxides. They will acquire the basic English vocabulary connected with the topic (Metals). Students will develop positive learning habits such as organisational and problem-solving skills.
Linguistic aims
Students will be able to:
- read English texts with ease
- reflect on their reading experience and share it with their peers
- get the main ideas from a text
- comprehend the topic correctly
- translate words connected with the topic (greenhouse effect) from English into their mother tongue.
Subject specific aims
Students will be able to:
- present metals in the reactivity series
- present reactions of acids with metals
- present how to obtain metals from metal oxides
Target groups age:
Students from high school 16-18+ years old.
Level of competence in English (CEFR)
Time required to use the resource with the students: 1 hour
How to use it
The teacher can encourage students to study the text at home. Teacher can give students a plan to follow and fill it in with notes taken while studying the content. The text is simple, accessible and accompanied by illustrations and graphs. The site enables students to revise basic information about metals. Students are familiarised with the classification of metals in the reactivity series, reactions of acids with metals, experiments they can do to see if a gas is hydrogen, what displacement reactions are, how to obtain metals from metal oxides. The video shows how copper ore can be heated on an open fire to extract the metal. The video is not always available. The site also gives students learning strategies: For instance if they want to learn the reactivity series, they could try making up a mnemonic or silly sentence to help. Here's one: "Pond slime can make a zoo interesting - the long crinkly sort goes purple." The site also includes a test on the materials the site provides, which students can do at home or/and during the class as an introductory part of the lesson. Then the students can present their notes on the content.
Possible difficulties for the students
Students who have poor knowledge of English can have problems with understanding the content.

Strengths: The resource provides interesting self-directed learning. The strengths of the web site lie in the clarity of explanations and its teaching materials (graphs, pictures and videos) and embedded dictionary. The resource is visually appealing to students as it provides suggestive pictures illustrating the topic. Weakness: The video is not always available or it may not be available in certain areas. Scientific reliability: This web site is scientifically reliable and can be recommended to students; it is well-organised and accessible. The resources can be used as support for a range of learning activities (self- study, project work, peer assisted learning, etc).