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Video Lesson: Tricks of Light 2: Mirages

Video Lesson


Description of the video lesson
Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to:
Describe the phenomena from a macroscopic point of view, soliciting the students’ background knowledge
Reproduce a mirage in the classroom/laboratory.
Possible in-depth analysis: other optical phenomena - how people see colours.
See video 4 Lenses for:
• Introducing light and the human eye.
See video 10 Refraction and Reflection of light for:
• Introducing the laws of physics: refraction, reflection and light scattering.

Level of English
Basic English vocabulary. Good present tense grammar.

It is always very difficult to learn physics in a mnemonic way. It is absolutely necessary to connect the study of physical phenomena to the observation of reality in order to understand and learn the laws behind these same phenomena.
See video 4 Lenses for:
• Introducing light and the human eye.
See video 10 Refraction and Reflection of light for:
• Introducing the laws of physics: refraction, reflection and light scattering.

Language aims
Students should be able to listen to and read short sentences and expand this to include technical vocabulary.

Keywords include: Mirage, Inferior mirage, superior mirage, Fata Morgana light scattering, reflection, refraction

Subject aims
Development of the students’ observation and critical skills
- Development of the students’ skills to identify similar phenomena.
- Learning how to reproduce a physical phenomenon after understanding and memorizing the laws behind it
- Know key vocabulary in English

Students' Difficulties
It is always very difficult to learn physics in a mnemonic way. It is absolutely necessary to connect the study of physical phenomena to the observation of reality in order to understand and learn the laws behind these same phenomena.

Students' Skills
Understanding mirages, how they are formed and types of mirages
Conducting an experiment in class to produce a mirage effect

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