This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Collection of Created Teaching Resources

Our plastic world: making plastic in the kitchen!

Subject taught
- Art
- Chemistry

Type of Product
- Interactive activity

Language Skills Developed
- Interaction
- Reading

This practical activity extends the information from the video on plastics and polymers to show the students how to make a plastic-like substance at home or in the class.
The target age group is 14 -16 years. The time involved is about 45 minutes, once the materials have been assembled and the student comprehension of the requirements has been checked: emphasizing the importance of safety when using heat.
It could be used as a homework project. The main difficulty will be with understanding both the basic vocabulary and also the technical instructions.
The activity could be extended or gamified by challenging the students to create artworks from their plastics.

Working Documents
View file

Related Video Lessons

Our Plastic World